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Control of Movement in Time: Abolishing even our selves ourselves,
Video of paper presented to the international symposium Children and
Adolescents in Crisis: Today's challenges and the need to redraw boundaries
held in the New Senate Hall of the University of Cologne from 5 to 7 October
Published in Kinder und Jugendliche in der Krise: Gegenwärtige Herausforderungen und neue Perspektiven
Rainer J. Kaus, Hartmut Günther (eds.) transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2025 pp. 219-233.
There is a dearth of
philosophical thinking on music nowadays, which invariably remains dedicated
either to aesthetic theory or social critique, or to a blend of both. The
present study offers an alternative approach to thinking on music along
a path that leads from... via... to music and is parallel to the way from...
via... to language.
The question of time
is a question of time. How long will it take for the question concerning
time to become the question of our time? This study is the philosophical
companion to The Land of Matta (2015).
A fantasy in the sense
of Alice in Wonderland, but not for children. It's cock-and-bull
like Tristram Shandy, but without the digressions. It's satire in
the tradition of Gulliver's Travels, but the satire is on modern
It is the originary
quivering that enables human beings' openness to sound art as sound art.
Thus human being is used by propriation (Ereignis) to allow sound art itself
to make way to sound art. Insight into this making-way enables an alternative,
post-aesthetic interpretation of Agostino Di Scipio's audible ecosystems.
Vorgetragen auf der
V. Meßkircher Heidegger-Konferenz Freiheit und Geschick: Denkwege
mit und nach Heidegger Do. 22. bis So. 25. Mai 2014, ausgerichtet von
Alfred Denker und Holger Zaborowski. Vom freien Wert-Schätz-Spiel
der Menschen miteinander in der Welt aus wird es ersichtlich, daß
die Freiheit die wesenhafte Kehrseite der Macht ist, so daß das Spiel
der Freiheit zugleich ein Spiel der Mächte ist.
The mathematician, Hermann
Weyl, struggles in his 1918 book, Das Kontinuum, with the antinomies
of the real number continuum, seeking a phenomenal foothold in the subjective
intuition of inner-time which, however, he ultimately rejects. Retrieving
Aristotle on time and Heidegger on three-dimensional, ecstatic time offers
an alternative path beyond Weyl. A bit of mathematics is required along
the way.
Die Männlichkeit
ist nicht bloß ein Sammelbegriff für all das, was den Mann betrifft,
sondern ist eine Weise als Wer in der Welt zu existieren, woran sowohl
Männer als auch Frauen teilnehmen können.
Deep clichés
in thinking that come to be taken for granted as self-evident cast the
scaffolding of each historical era. This essay focuses especially on one
of these clichés in the present age, that of the supposed distinction
between the inside and outside of consciousness.
This essay gives an
exposition of Heidegger's late thinking on being, time and space, showing
how each eventuates appropriately from the Ereignis (propriation). It ends
by recasting Heidegger's fourfold as the carousel of the world around
the abyss. With an appendix on Bodying
in the World.
Paper presented to the
symposion Öffentlichkeit im Netz – the digital public, convened
by Wolfgang Coy and Stefan Ullrich and held at the Institut für Informatik
der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin-Adlershof on 13/14 December
What gives with the
time of history after Heidegger's recasting of human being as three-dimensional,
ecstatic temporality? Including a destruction of Derrida's grammatogrammy.
An attempt to gain clarity
about 'our values' that everybody appeals to and deploys in political controversies.
A step beyond is also taken to Plato's famous idea of the good.
Recent Anglophone theories
of justice display a conspicuous blindness to considerations of commutative
justice in favour of distributive social justice.
Paper presented to the
conference Heidegger und Religion in Meßkirch 04-07 June 2008.
The appendix endeavours to rethink Aristotle's famous god in his Metaphysics.
Freedom, value, power,
justice, government, legitimacy are major themes of this inquiry. It explores
the ontological structure of human beings associating with one another,
the basic phenomenon of society.
Paper presented to the
School of Philosophy at the University of Sydney on 10 September 2008,
the 41st Annual North American Heidegger Conference 03-05 May 2007 at DePaul
University in Chicago and (in an earlier version) to the conference 4.
Aussprache über die Philosophie Martin Heideggers 01-03
June 2006 at the Bergische University in Wuppertal, Germany.
Thesis: the phenomenon
of specifically social power, and in particular, political social
power, has not been conceived adequately in the philosophical tradition
starting with Plato and Aristotle.
A study passing through
Aristotle, Adam Smith and Karl Marx that rethinks exchange-value in connection
with the question of the justice of so-called 'bourgeois relations of production'.
In the context of a
global carbon absorption 'industry' aligning economic self-interest with
a universal interest in environmental protection, industriousness means
also letting the Earth, in its virgin state, simply be itself. Such industriousness
through letting-be is a step on the way to humankind practising custodianship
of the Earth.
The seductive, comforting
idea of social justice leads inevitably to an all-caring, social-totalitarian
state that ruins its citizens for (inter-)play.
Paper as presented to
the 24th North Texas Heidegger Symposium Erde—Welt—Umwelt 8-9 April
2005 at The University of Dallas, Irving, Texas. The thoughts here are
distilled from my Social Ontology.
The trace of how Heidegger
thinks power through the history of being can be followed back to the concept
of energeia in Aristotle's Metaphysics. According to Heidegger,
this concept is the start of the trajectory of the being of beings cast
as Wirklichkeit, actuality. Energeia is paired metaphysically with dynamis,
i.e. power, potential, capability. One such power is the art of rhetoric,
famously also investigated by Aristotle. But what is the power of such
a know-how when faced with the otherness of the other?...
Theses on how Heidegger's
thinking has to be extended and revamped to cope with the phenomenon of
the other human being, the as yet unfolded fold in being covered by the
'second person', both singular and plural.
Revised and extended
version of a paper 'Heidegger's Apolitical Conception of the Political'
(see below) presented to the 22nd. Heidegger Symposium History, Historicity
and Mystery in Heidegger 30 October-02 November, 2002 University of
North Texas.
Today's feminist discourse
claims to be situated beyond the strictures of the metaphysics of substance.
call for the subversion of "matrices of cultural intelligibility that govern
gendered life" does not go deep enough in questioning gender.
We live today surrounded
by countless digital gadgets and navigate through cyberspace as if it were
the most natural thing in the world. Despite all the scientific and technological
ingenuity, we nevertheless remain clueless about where this digital cast
of being comes from. To pose this question is to do digital ontology. With
an appendix reinterpreting quantum mechanical
indeterminacy phenomenologically.
A treatise in German
on masculinity, whose ontology is explored through a phenomenology of whoness.
A radical, genuinely philosophical alternative to feminist discourse to
date (cultural studies, psychoanalysis, etc.) is offered.
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