Thinking of Music

An approach along a parallel path

Michael Eldred

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e-book cover: Thinking of Music at Quivering of Propriation
Available from, CreateSpace and other Amazon online bookstores worldwide (e.g. at as a paperback) under the title Thinking of Music: An approach along a parallel path CreateSpace 2015 130 pp. ISBN 978-1514840023. The book is a revised, emended, extended edition of my The Quivering of Propriation: A Parallel Way to Music.

About the book 

Today's composers are preoccupied first and foremost with exploring the possibilities of producing new and hitherto unheard-of kinds of different-sounding music. In particular, they employ advanced, mainly electronic, technologies, or invent new musical instruments that break the mould of traditional music-making, thus introducing new sounds to music. On this front there are exciting, creative developments for those willing to open their ears. These contemporary composers also often take a piece of literature, an art work, a landscape or an historical event for extraneous orientation. The traditional understanding of music, especially of Western music, based as it is on harmony and wedded to aesthetic theory, has long since been burst. The beginning of the twentieth century heralded already a break-out into the realm of sounds beyond those well-defined, pure, rational tones produced by specially designed instruments. The advent of electricity and electronics exploded conceptions of music tied to venerated traditions, particularly in European music. Do these new kinds of music come about simply because of advances in technology that composers and musicians licentiously and creatively appropriate for their own music-making purposes? Or does their thinking need to dig deeper philosophically to gain another orientation and attunement?
There is a dearth of philosophical thinking on music nowadays, which invariably remains dedicated either to aesthetic theory or social critique, or to a blend of both. The present study offers an alternative approach to thinking on music along a path that leads from... via... to music and is parallel to the way from... via... to language.

The author 

For information on the author, please look up Michael Eldred at Amazon.

Copyright (c) 1998-2015 by Michael Eldred, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law, and it may be archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that the author is notified and no fee is charged for access. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the author.
Last modified: 12-Jul-2015
First put on site 09-Jul-2015

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