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1) Peter Sloterdijk Critique of Cynical Reason Minnesota University Press, 560 pp. 1987. Originally published in German under the title Kritik der zynischen Vernunft by Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt/M 1983. 2) Martin Heidegger 'Heidegger on Binswanger' various parts of Zollikoner Seminare translated for Medard Boss, 1987. 3) Medard Boss, 'Thirty Years Later' foreword to 4th edition of Indienfahrt eines Psychiaters Verlag Hans Huber, Bern 1987. 4) Martin Heidegger, 'Heidegger on Blankenburg' Zollikoner Seminare pp. 254-256, translated for Medard Boss, 1988. 5) Medard Boss 'A Self-Portrait of Dasein-Analysis' paper presented in Berkeley, CA 1989. 6) Medard Boss 'How And Where Are We When We Dream?' 1989. 7) Medard Boss 'Martin Heidegger, Applied to Psychiatry and the Modern World' 1989. 8) Peter Sloterdijk 'Art Is Folding In On Itself - Introducing an Unusual Exhibition' ('Die Kunst faltet sich ein') catalogue text plus foreword, Künstler Haus Stuttgart 1989. 9) Hartmut Tietjen, 'How Martin Heidegger had it out with National Socialist University Policy and its Conception of Science' ('Martin Heideggers Auseinandersetzung mit der nationalsozialistischen Hochschulpolitik und Wissenschaftsidee') paper presented at Yale University 1989. 10) Translations of papers for the Goethe Institute, Munich by various authors: Gerhard Köpf, Prof. Frietsch, Bodo Steiner, Prof. Kreuzer, Klaus Kordon, Prof. Fürst 1988-1990. 11) Alan Charlton exhibition catalogue, Hallen für neue Kunst, Schaffhausen, ISBN 3-906352-02-1 1991. 12) Toon Verhoef exhibition catalogue, Hallen für neue Kunst, Schaffhausen, ISBN 3-906352-04-8 1991. 13) Robert Ryman exhibition catalogue, Hallen für neue Kunst, Schaffhausen, ISBN 3-906352-03-x 1991. 14) Pavel Filonov in the 1920s exhibition catalogue, Galerie Gmurzynska, Cologne 1992. 15) Heinrich Heil 'Mrs P. Calls a Spade a Spade' Frau Paganismus Georg Baselitz exhibition catalogue, Anthony d'Offay Gallery, London, ISBN 3-906352-03-x 1994. 16) Yves Klein - Le Dépassement de la Problématique de l'Art Galerie Gmurzynska, Cologne 1994. 17) Frank Kupka - Die andere Realität exhibition catalogue, Galerie Gmurzynska, Cologne 1995. 18) Aspects of Futurism exhibition catalogue, Galerie Gmurzynska, Zug 1995. 19) Main Stations Neue Kunst Buecher, Schaffhausen, ISBN 3-906352-08-0 1995. 20) Das Abenteuer der Malerei exhibition catalogue, Baden-Württembergischer Kunstverein/Düsseldorfer Kunsthalle Edition Tertium, Ostfildern 1995. 21) Pablo Picasso - Don Hilario Cuernajon exhibition catalogue, Galerie Gmurzynska, Cologne 1996. 22) Roberto Otero - La Mayor Coleccion de Picassos exhibition catalogue, Galerie Gmurzynska, Cologne 1996. 23) Family Values exhibition catalogue, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern 1997. 24) Wols exhibition catalogue, Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne 1998. 25) Louis Soutter exhibition catalogue, Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne 1998. 26) Christian Büntner 'Camels in the Mist' in Sabine Holz & Jürgen Kleinmann (eds.) Dovecot Tenerife 1995/96 1998. 27) Daniel Kurjakovic Traveling without moving Memory/Cage Editions, Zürich 1998. 28) Daniel Kurjakovic Andere Räume, andere Stimmen Memory/Cage Editions, Zürich 1999. 29) Organica exhibition catalogue, Galerie Gmurzynska, Cologne 1999. 30) Louise Bourgeois exhibition catalogue, Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne 1999. 31) Peter Schmersal exhibition catalogue, Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne 1999. 32) Hans-Michael Herzog A Dialogue Between the Extremes: About Jon Groom's Paintings exhibition catalogue, Baukunst Galerie, Cologne 1999. 33) Wilfried Dickhoff (ed.) Rosemarie Trockel I/II Nabe Books, New York (parts of) ISBN 0-9672670-0-5 1999. 34) Daniel Kurjakovic Desire - Wunsch Memory/Cage Editions, Zürich 2000. 35) Oliver Kielmayer 'Vittorio Santoro at Brandstetter & Wyss' exhibition Heute, Morgen/Today, Yesterday Kunst-Bulletin, Zürich 2000. 36) Daniel Kurjakovic, press release for Vittorio Santoro at Brandstetter & Wyss exhibition Heute, Morgen/Today, Yesterday Zürich 2000. 37) Klimt's Women, Dumont Verlag, Cologne 2000. 38) Reiner Speck 'Robert Proust - An Eminent Doctor in the Shadow of his Famous Brother Marcel' Cologne 2000. 39) Peter Weibel 'Reality Diffusion. New Experiences of Reality in Art between the Hyperreal and the Hypermedial' in: Hypermental - Rampant Reality 1950-2000. From Salvador Dali to Jeff Koons exhibition catalogue Kunsthaus Zürich and Hamburger Kunsthalle ISBN 3-906574-11-3 2001. 40) Andy Warhol - Cherubs, Elfs, Fairies 1953-1956 exhibition catalogue, Sabine Knust Galerie, Munich 2001. 41) Ferdinand Ullrich Blanca Muñoz – Drawing between Sky and Earth exhibition catalogue, Baukunst Galerie, Cologne 2001. 42) Marcus Steinweg 'Nur Nausikaa blieb' Cologne 2001. 43) Marcus Steinweg 'Die Nacktheit Antigones' Cologne 2001. 44) Marcus Steinweg 'Notiz zur Grausamkeit' Berlin 2002. 45) Marcus Steinweg Thomas Hirschhorn Dopple Garage exhibition catalogue, Arndt & Partner, Berlin 2002. 46) Collectors' Classics Art Forum comprehensive catalogue, Maastricht 2002. 47) Manifesta 4 European Biennial exhibition catalogue, Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern 2002. 48) Rodchenko Spatial Constructions exhibition catalogue, Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern 2002. 49) Hubert Kiecol - Glückliche Masse exhibition catalogue, Stiftung Kunst + Kultur, Bonn 2002. 50) True Truth About the Nearly Real Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt/M. 2002. 51) Saul Fletcher exhibition catalogue, Sabine Knust Galerie, Munich 2002. 52) Art projects for the new building at the University of Klagenfurt Klagenfurt 2002. 53) Marcus Steinweg 'Death and the Maiden' on Olaf Breuning's installation Hello Darkness, Andreas Pfister, Zurich/Arndt & Partner, Berlin 2003. 54) On Mathilde ter Heijne's film Try Fake Life Arndt & Partner, Berlin 2003. 55) Future Cinema ZKM Karlsruhe & MIT Press, Mass. 2003. 56) Florian Steininger 'Franco Kappl - Malerische Abstraktionen' exhibition catalogue, 2003. 57) H. Metzger 'Franco Kappl - Abstraktion und Tuchfühlung' exhibition catalogue, 2003. 58) Martin Fritz 'From the People's Garden to Arch of Victory - Kienzer's artistic renunciation of power' exhibition catalogue, 2003. 59) Marcus Steinweg, integrated texts for Thomas Hirschhorn's installation U-Lounge, exhibition Common Wealth Tate Modern Gallery, London 2003. 60) A.R. Penck exhibition catalogue, Michael Werner Galerie, Cologne 2003. 61) Per Kirkeby exhibition catalogue, Michael Werner Galerie, Cologne 2003. 62) Milko Pavlov Frottage Works exhibition catalogue, OMC Galerie, Düsseldorf 2003. 63) Koken Nomura 36 Views of Cologne Cathedral Galerie Claudia Delank/Edition Rosenbaum, Cologne 2003. 64) Paloma Varga Weisz exhibition catalogue, Museum Kurhaus Kleve & Revolver, Kleve & Frankfurt/Main 2004. 65) Photokontakt Benjamin Katz:Georg Baselitz exhibition catalogue, Wienand Verlag, Cologne 2004. 66) Leiko Ikemura Sculpture Painting Drawing exhibition catalogue, Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld 2004. 67) Images of Stillness exhibition catalogue, Langen Foundation, Hombroich near Neuss 2004. 68) Sean Scully Jon Groom exhibition catalogue, Galerie 422, Gmunden 2004. 69) James Lee Byars The White Mass Friedhelm Mennekes (ed.), Walther König, Cologne 2004. 70) Giovanni Anselmo exhibition catalogue, Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Kleve 2005. 71) Ordered States - Festival of Regions 2005 Verein Festival der Regionen, Ottensheim 2005. 72) Marcus Steinweg, integrated texts for Thomas Hirschhorn's exhibition Utopia, Utopia = One World, One War, One Army, One Dress Institute for Contemporary Art, Boston 2005 (opening 20 Sep. 2005 ), thereafter at CCA, Wattis, Institute for Contemporary Art, San Francisco (opening 15 Mar. 2006). 73) Per Kirkeby exhibition catalogue, Michael Werner Galerie, Cologne 2005. 74) Markus Lüpertz exhibition catalogue, Michael Werner Galerie, Cologne 2005. 75) Motor Blues — Die Schenkung AutoWerke von BMW an das Museum der bildenden Könste Leipzig exhibition catalogue, Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld 2005. 76) Discreet energies — 50 Years Documenta exhibition catalogue, documenta/Steidl Verlag, Göttingen 2005. 77) Zeichen setzen — Günther Ücker und Inoue Yu-Ichi exhibition catalogue, Langen Foundation, Hombroich near Neuss 2005. 78) DC: Matt Mullican — Learning from that person's work exhibition catalogue, Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2005. 79) Max Ernst Museum — Van den Valentyn Architecture, Smo Architecture Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2005. 80) Jörg Immendorf — Male Lago exhibition catalogue, Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2005. 81) Daniel Richter — Eight hours don't make a day exhibition catalogue, Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin 2005. 82) Dana Schutz — Teeth dreams and other supposed truths exhibition catalogue, Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin 2005. 83) Chistoph Schlingensief — Church of Fear exhibition catalogue, Museum Ludwig Köln, Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2005. 84) Rosemarie Trockel — Post-Menopause exhibition catalogue, Museum Ludwig Köln, Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2005. 85) Ordered States — Festival of Regions 2005 exhibition catalogue, Festival der Regionen, Ottensheim 2005. 86) Click Doubleclick exhibition catalogue, Haus der Kunst München, Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2006. 87) Hagen Bonifer Artwork catalogue of works 1995-2005, Mühlheim/Main 2006. 88) The Youth of Today exhibition catalogue, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2006. 89) Andy Warhol - A Trip Around the World 1956 Asia Drawings catalogue, Galerie Sabine Knust, Munich 2006. 90) Jacqueline Humphries - Black Light Paintings exhibition catalogue, Foundation 21 21 / Nyehaus New York 2005. 91) Otto Piene - Solo exhibition catalogue, Halle 6 - Galerie Christine Hölz, Düsseldorf 2006. 92) Broken Surface exhibition catalogue, Sabine Knust Matthias Kunz editions, Munich 2006. 93) Julie Mehretu exhibition catalogue, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern 2006. 94) Julia Lohmann — Chinesische Spatzen exhibition catalogue, Halle 6 - Galerie Christine Hölz, Düsseldorf 2006. 95) Gerhard Richter Atlas exhibition catalogue, Lenbachhaus Munich, Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2006. 96) Katja Strunz exhibition catalogue, Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Walther König Verlag, London/Cologne 2006. 97) To what extent should an artist understand the implications of his or her findings exhibition catalogue, Bojan Sarcevic, Project Arts Centre Dublin/Niland Gallery Sligo, Snoeck Verlag, Cologne 2006. 98) From Caspar David Friedrich to Gerhard Richter: German Paintings from Dresden exhibition catalogue, J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles, Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2006. 99) Tony Cragg - In and out of material Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2006. 100) Axel Kasseböhmer - Landscapes Dumont Verlag, Cologne 2006. 101) Nader Ahriman - Etudes of transcendental homelessness Salon Verlag, Cologne 2006. 102) Uwe Lausen - Daniel Richter Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin 2006. 103) In Girum Imus Nocte et Consumimur Igni - The Situationist International (1957-1972) JRP Ringier, Zürich 2006. 104) Jon Groom - Between the Light Prestel Verlag, Munich 2006. 105) Langen Foundation - ein Kunst- und Ausstellungshaus von Tadao Ando Langen Foundation, Hombroich bei Neuss 2006. 106) Catherine Sullivan & Co. Film and Theater Works 2002-2004 JRP Ringier, Zürich 2006. 107) Heavy Metal Open Space - Kirsten Ortwed Dumont Verlag, Cologne 2006. 108) Jonathan Meese - Mama Johnny Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2007. 109) Zwischenräume: Leiko Ikemura & Günther Förg Langen Foundation, Hombroich bei Neuss 2007 * 110) Le Journal des Laboratoires: English Version Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers 2007. 111) Robert Indiana: American Painter of Signs exhibition catalogue Museum Kurhaus, Kleve 2007. 112) Mythos: Joseph Beuys, Matthew Barney, Douglas Gordon Cy Twombly exhibition catalogue Kunsthaus Bregrenz, Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2007. 113) Based on Paper: The Marzona Collection exhibition catalogue Berlin Museum of Prints and Graphic Arts (Kupferstichkabinett), Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2007. 114) Ronald Bladen: Sculpture – Works from the Marzona Collection exhibition catalogue Nationalgalerie Berlin, Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2007. 115) presentation representation: Photography from Germany exhibition catalogue ifa Stuttgart, Walther König Verlag, Cologne 2007. 116) James Lee Byars exhibition catalogue, Michael Werner Galerie, Cologne 2007. * 117) Mette Stausland Tracks and Traces exhibition catalogue, Galerie Lelong, Zürich 2007. * 118) 12th Biennial of Moving Images exhibition catalogue, JRP Ringier, Zürich 2007. * 119) Rirkrit Tiravanija A Retrospective exhibition catalogue, JRP Ringier, Zürich 2007. * 120) Karl Lagerfeld Konkret Abstrakt Gesehenexhibition catalogue, Langen Foundation, Neuss 2007. 121) David Maljkovic Almost There exhibition catalogue, Kunstverein in Hamburg, Dumont Verlag, Cologne 2007. 122) Album – On and Around Urs Fischer et al participating at the 52nd Venice Biennale 2007, (ed.) Daniel Kurjakovic, Swiss Federal Cultural Office, Bern and JRP Ringier, Zürich 2007. * 123) Yael Bartana exhibition catalogue, Kunstverein in Hamburg, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern 2008. 124) open Cahier on Art and the Public Domain No.14, NAi Publishers, SKOR, Amsterdam 2008. 125) First Step: Towards a Collection of Western Contemporary Art exhibition catalogue, National Museum in Krakow, Jablonka Galerie, Cologne 2008. 126) Milko Pavlov: Tomorrow belongs to me exhibition catalogue, Städtische Galerie im Buntentor in Bremen, Germany and Nationalgalerie Sofia, Bulgaria, Hachmann edition, Bremen 2008. 127) Berlin 2000: March 7 - April 18, 2009 exhibition catalogue, PaceWildenstein, New York 2009 ISBN 9781930743977. 128) Katja Strunz - Einbruchstellen Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin published by Snoeck, Cologne 2009 ISBN 978-3-940953-33-9. 129) Ettore Spalletti [on the occasion of the exhibition at the Museum Kurhaus Kleve, 24.5.-20.9.2009] Museum Kurhaus, Kleve 2009 english edition ISBN 978-3-934935-48-8 136 pp. 130) Dream Perspectives: The Magic of Swiss Landscape photography by Guido Kasper, Edition eMotion, Baar, Switzerland 2010 ISBN 978-3-85546-230-8. 131) James Lee Byars: I Give You Genius Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 2011 ISBN 978-3-86335-016-1. 132) Sabine Moritz: Jena Düsseldorf Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 2011 ISBN 978-3-86335-033-8. 133) Jonathan Meese: Totalste Graphik + Catalogue raisonné 2003-2011 Björn Egging (ed.) Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 2011 ISBN 978-3-86335-083-3. 134) Quick Dry Jewgenija Tschuikowa, beerenverlag, Frankfurt/M. 2011 ISBN 978-3-929198-50-8. 135) Norbert Prangenberg: Arbeit 1980-2012 Galerie Karsten Greve, Cologne 2012 ISBN 978-3-940824-51-6. 136) Richard Long Prints 1970-2013 Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Kleve 2013 ISBN 978-3-86335-365-0. 137) Zwischenzeit - Bilder entscheidender Jahre heinztesarek.com, Vienna 2013 ISBN 879-3-200-02274-4. 138) Nader Ahriman Meta-Kubismus Distanz Verlag, Berlin 2013 ISBN 978-3-95476-024-4. 139) The Present Order is the Disorder of the Future Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Kleve 2013 ISBN 978-3-934935-65-5. 140) Strong Women for Art – In conversation with Anna Lenz Hirmer Verlag, Munich 2013 ISBN 978-3-7774-2149-0. 141) Jonathan Bragdon – Tekningen Aurel Scheibler, Berlin 2013 ISBN 978-3-00-044073-1. 142) David Novros Tekningen Museum Wiesbaden/Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Kleve 2014 ISBN 978-3-89258-099-7. 143) Johannes Wald: Geste und Gefühl / attempts at forming appropriate finds Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Kleve 2014 ISBN 978-3-934935-68-6. 144) Cahiers D'Art No. 1-2 2013 Editions Cahiers D'Art, Paris 2013 ISBN 978-2-85117-176-4. 145) Basic Research: Notes on the Collection Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Kleve 2014 ISBN 978-3-934935-69-3. 146) Mapping Spaces Hirmer Verlag, Munich 2014 ISBN 978-3-7774-2230-5. 147) Nina Möntmann: Letter from Europe The Renaissance Society, University of Chicago 2015. 148) Govert Flinck Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Kleve 2015 ISBN 978-3-934935-75-4. 149) Joseph Beuys Work Lines Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Kleve 2016 ISBN 978-3-934935-80-8. 150) Samuel Rachl: Zeichnungen, Skulpturale Installationen, Installationsperfomance WIE WIR SIND ICH Klak Verlag, Berlin 2016 ISBN 978-3-943767-69-8. 151) Inside Intensity
Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Kleve 2017 ISBN 978-3-934935-80-8.
152) Rodin / Nauman
Stiftung Saarländischer Kulturbesitz, Saarbrücken 2019 ISBN 978-3-932036-99-6.
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